Friday, April 2, 2010

Obama Health Care

This administration is of the insipid opinion that all Americans want to be taken care of.  they want big government and high taxes of the wealthy according to the democrats.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are There More Illegal Aliens Than We Thought?

The Rasmussen Report recently stated than 67% of those polled believe that illegal immigration puts a strain on this country's budget.  Ten percent didn't know which indicates a severe flaw in our education system and 23% said illegal imigration puts no strain on the budget.  Can we infer from this that 23% of our population is illegal?  Who else would conclude that illegal immigration is not a finacial strain on our budget?  Do people actually believe that we don't spend billions on healthcare and education of illegals?  Do they not know that they put a strain on state correctional institutions?  How about the increased cost of law enforcement and public welfare.  Do people believe that these things aren't costing us many billions of dollars each year?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Can't We at Least Expect the Truth?

As a hard core conservative, I had very little in the way of expectations from our Left Wing Liberal Fascist President.  I did have to admit that he seemed like a decent enough guy, misguided as he was. When he promised transparency, a new way of doing things and the willingness to listen to the people while working  with the Republicans, I wanted to believe him.  He was going to have public hearings broadcast on CSPAN.  and have all bills published in advance.  Instead, he has meetings behind closed doors and lawmakers are forced to vote on bills that they have not even read.  The Republicans aren't included.  He doesn't care that 60% of the country doesn't want his healthplan, he will do evertything he can to to ram in through.  He has a new way of doing things alright, sneakier than ever before.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Illegal immigration

It is quite clear that we will not likely see much in the way of immigration reform under this administration. What we need to do is enforce the laws that we already have on the books. We need to arrest and fine employers who hire the illegals. The argument, the past, has been that we needed to keep labor costs down, partucularly in agriculture, to maintain inexpensive food. That argument no longer is applicable. I believe that there are 3 groups of people that could fill these manual labor positions. They are as follows:
1. Those receiving unmeployment compensation after losing their jobs.
2. Welfare recipients.
3. Prisoners.

In each case, the employers could reimburse the respective agencies at the same rate they would have paid the illegals. The net result would be fewer illegals and partial financing for unemployment agencies, welfare departments and the prison syste. Our taxes would be reduced and there would be no inflation in the prices we pay for food.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I do not envision myself as some great orator but I believe the time has come for Americans to speak out against the sweeping changes that are taking place within our country. Our society, specifically our economic system that made this country great have come under assault by this administration. President Obama was not even raised in this country so I suspect he does not fully understand our culture. There are some who insist that he has not even proved that he was born here. Even his wife has admitted that she had never been proud of this country. What kind of a First Family is this?

The administration has the government buying shares of American corporations and dictating how much corporate executives are being paid. I am not sure whether this is socialism or fascism or a little of each. The administration wants to control healthcare in this country despite that fact that many polls find that 60% or more of our citizenry is opposed.

The redeeming fact is that Obama's popularity is plummeting. On January 22 of last year he was at +31%. Today 29% polled say they strongly agree with how he is handling things and 39% strongly disagree, a drop to -10%. The tide is turning. Wait until people find out what the health bill is really going to cost. I can see him at -20 to -30% by next November. No wonder several Democrat leaders are talking retirement. It is far better to retire than be unceremoniously kicked out of office.

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